FETCH a Cure Community Events Interest Form
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting FETCH a Cure! We're so grateful for your support and we're so excited to hear about your ideas!

Please fill out this form as completely as possible so we can better understand your event needs. A FETCH a Cure staff member will get in touch with you within 3 business days to discuss your event request in more detail.

Please note that depending on the time, which events we already have on the calendar, and the size of the event, we may be able to provide guidance for your event but we do not have the resources to handle the organizational and administrative tasks associated with community events.

Please provide all event marketing material to FETCH a Cure prior to releasing materials on social media.

Please get consent from FETCH a Cure before using FETCH's name and logo.

If you have any questions, please email rose@fetchacure.org .
Email *
Email *
Today's Date *
Your organization or business name:
Contact name:
Phone Number:  *
Proposed name of event:  *
Proposed date and time of event:  *
Back up date and time of event: 
Will any other non-profits  be involved in or benefit from this event?
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What other charities, if any, will benefit from this event?
How do you plan to promote this event?
Please detail your plan for this event:
What involvement, if any, are you hoping to receive from FETCH?
What amount do you anticipate to raise with this event?
Please list potential donors or solicitations (if applicable):
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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