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Answer ALL questions. Make sure you read all lesson explanations before you answer.
Lesson - Reference word: Your answer must be the word or a phrase [usually a noun (singular or plural) or a gerund (activity or action noun) that is referred to or replaced by the word (usually a pronoun) in the article.
For example, in paragraph 1, "Even though both pets are known to relieve stress, promote a positive outlook..."
The phrase 'both pets' in the sentence refers to cats and dogs..
Paragraph 3: "... just because they have lower annual and medical fees, but also..." The word 'they' refers to... *
1 point
Paragraph 3: "... be bathed regularly as well, requiring more upkeep to maintain them." The word 'them' refers to... *
1 point
Paragraph 4: "... require pet sitters or dog kennelling if their owners take even an overnight trip." The word 'their' refers to... *
1 point
Paragraph 4: "... satisfy their extra energy on their own by chasing shadows..." The word 'their' refers to... *
1 point
Paragraph 5: "... because it is a ‘man’s best friend’ or because everybody says..." The word 'it' refers to... *
1 point
Lesson - Meaning in context: Your answer must be another word or a phrase that has the same meaning with the original word used in the context of the sentence.
For example, in paragraph 1, "Even though both pets are known to relieve stress, promote a positive outlook..."
The word 'relieve' can mean discharge, reduce, help or replace. However, in the context of the sentence, the word 'relieve' means reduce.
Paragraph 2: "... dogs are one and a half times more expensive than the average annual cost for a cat." The word 'expensive' means... *
1 point
Paragraph 2: "There is a significant difference in cost when comparing dogs and cats." The word 'significant' means... *
1 point
Paragraph 3: "... during the first two years of the dog’s life, but also ongoing to keep the dog in line long-term." The word 'ongoing' means... *
1 point
Paragraph 4: "Dogs, on the other hand, get very high-strung if their owners attempt to make them independent creatures." The word 'high-strung' means... *
1 point
Paragraph 5: "Truly looking at the statistics and see which suits you better." The word 'suits' means... *
1 point
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