Parents As Teachers Enrollment
Parents as Teachers is a FREE program through your Missouri School District. The program’s main focus is to help parents with children prenatal to age 5, become their child’s first and best teacher and to prepare their children for future educational success!

What Parents As Teachers offers:

- Personal Visits: we bring you developmental information and activities you can do with your children and answer any parenting questions or help connect you with resources.

- Group Connections: fun educational events for families to connect with other families in the community.

- Screenings: yearly screenings to make sure your child is developmentally on track.

- Resource Network: we refer children to preschool, and many other family and community resources.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name (First, Last) *
Phone Number *
How many children do you have? *
Child(ren) Information
Fill out one child section for each of your child(ren). Example if you have 3 children you would fill out Child Section 1,2,3 then submit the form when you are done. Thank you for filling out this form you will be contacted by someone from the district soon.
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