PsychTERMS Conference Registration Form
Teaching to Enhance Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology (PsychTERMS) is a two-day virtual conference to be held December 7-8, 2022. Conference sessions will run from 10am-2pm PT/ 1pm-5pm ET.

Presentations will include: interactive teaching demonstrations; equity, diversity, and inclusion in teaching; innovative course policies; and engaging course assignments. Keynote presentations will feature leaders in research methods and statistics pedagogy.

To register for the conference, please fill out the information below by December 4. Registrants will receive a Zoom link via email the week of the conference.

Conference website:

Registration for this conference is free thanks to a generous donation from APA PsychLearn.
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Name: *
Affiliation: *
Title/Position: *
Select the option that best represents your institution. *
What teaching topic are you interested in learning about at the conference? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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