AASPA Award Nomination: William L. Hunter Point of Light Award - 2018
The William L. Hunter Point of Light Award gives recognition to school districts making outstanding contributions through the implementation of innovative and comprehensive teacher development programs primarily focused on strategies designed to increase the number of teachers of color in school districts.

Please complete all sections of the form.

Questions may be directed to Dr. Renee Zoladz, AASPA Recognition Committee Chair, at rzoladz@d127.org.

All nomination forms are due by May 1, 2018.
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AASPA Member Making Nomination
Please tell us about yourself!
Name *
Title First Last (i.e. Dr. Jane Smith)
Position *
District *
Address *
E-Mail Address *
Telephone Number *
Self-Nominations are accepted.
District being Nominated *
H.R. Administrator Name *
Title *
Address *
E-Mail Address *
Telephone Number *
Please describe the nominee's contributions and efforts in the following areas:
Innovative Program Development *
Administration/Implementation of the Program *
Strategies for Recruitment and Selection of Teachers of Color *
Retention and Support for Teachers of Color *
Involvement in AASPA *
Other Comments Regarding the Nomination
Required Documentation
Please submit evidence of the nominated district's activities in PDF format to Dr. Renee Zoladz, AASPA Recognitions Chairperson, at rzoladz@d127.org.  Deadline for submission of nomination form and materials is May 1, 2018.
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