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內文:中國廣西玉林市一年一度的「荔枝狗肉節」即將在本月二十一日舉行,全球各地的愛狗人士早已在各個平台發起聯署活動,並將過去玉林市民殘忍虐殺活狗的影片置入,引起廣大網友共鳴;其中在change .org 的平台更是有將近三百萬人聯署,要求當地停止這個虐待狗狗的活動。







三百萬人聯署抵制!玉林狗肉節「照常辦」 噴槍朝活狗眼嘴狂燒:

聯署發起團體:AELLA Asia、動物友善政策關注小組、愛動物 零虐畜(ZeroAnimalAbuse)、愛動物大聯盟(LoveAnimalHK Group)、唐狗就是寶、給狗狗一個家 、香港寵物領養、台灣寵物認養或救助、不要歧視或虐待流浪狗或貓、關注深井 「海韻花園」拯救cccp 流浪貓


Note: Please visit the following page, 愛動物 零虐畜(ZeroAnimalAbuse), for the latest news on this movement.

A Joint Petition to Urge the HK Regional Committee of CPPCC to Ban Dog-and-Cat-Eating in China, Following 3 Million People's Joint Signature

The annual “Litchi Dog-eating Festival” in Yulin, Guangxi, China, will be held on the 21st of this month. Dog lovers around the world have already initiated joint petitions on various platforms and have posted videos of Yulin citizens cruelly killing dogs alive, striking a responsive chord in the hearts of a huge number of netizens; among them, the change .org platform has received nearly 3 million people's joint signature asking for the this dog-abusing activity to be stopped in Yulin.  

Hongkongers are now requested to unite in putting forth the following appeals:  

1) Banning dog-and-cat-hunting. In the past decade, syndicates involved in stealing cats and dogs have been running wild on the Chinese Mainland. Dog stealers use highly toxic substances like succinylcholine to steal dogs. There are reports of people having died of poisoning, and some of those whose dogs are stolen have resorted to lynching. All these show that the situation is already intolerable.

2) Banning of cat-and-dog-eating. This is already an international trend. At present, cats and dogs slaughtered on the Chinese Mainland have not passed health quarantine, indicating that law enforcement officers in various provinces and municipalities do not always follow regulations.

3) Accelerating the drafting of the initial form of an "Animal Protection Ordinance", so as to integrate China with the international community regarding animal rights as soon as possible.

After completion of the joint signature campaign, the contents will be sent to members of the Hong Kong Regional Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to promote the banning of dog-and-cat-eating on the Chinese Mainland, and for re-discussion of the "Animal Protection Ordinance" in the National People's Congress, which is already advocated by certain members of the National Committee of CPPCP and studied by universities.

Petition link: http://bit.ly/savedogchina

"Boycotted by 3 Million People! Yulin Dog-eating Festival Held as Usual; Dogs' Eyes and Mouths Madly Burnt with Spray Guns"

Petition Sponsored by: AELLA Asia, Animal Friendly Alliance, 愛動物 零虐畜(ZeroAnimalAbuse), 愛動物大聯盟(LoveAnimalHK Group)、Mongrel Dog Lovers、Give Dogs A Home 、香港寵物領養、台灣寵物認養或救助、不要歧視或虐待流浪狗或貓、關注深井 「海韻花園」拯救cccp 流浪貓
Translated by Chapman Chen, Ph.D.
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