Muskogee Public Library Community Survey
The Muskogee Public Library is conducting this anonymous, short, survey to evaluate library services and plan for the future. Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Do you know the location of Muskogee Public Library? *
How close do you live to Muskogee Public Library? *
Have you ever used Muskogee Public Library? *
Is there another library you use regularly? *
If "yes," which library do you use regularly?
If you use another library regularly, please tell us why.
When is the last time you used the Muskogee Public Library? *
Indicate all of the reasons you have visited Muskogee Public Library: *
Which items have you used or checked out from Muskogee Public Library? *
If you have never or infrequently used Muskogee Public Library, please tell us why.
If you do use Muskogee Public Library regularly, please tell us why.
What age group are you in? *
What was your approximate household income last year? *
What is the highest education level you have achieved? *
Choose any that apply to you: *
Thank you for  your input. Please share your comments and suggestions with Muskogee Public Library:
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