🎨 Yes! I'm interested in the 2025 WK Artist Application! 
Complete the form below and we will email you a link to the 2025 Wayzgoose Kitsap artist application as soon as it's live!

Launch day is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, January 25th, so keep that in mind. 

You will receive instructions on what information we need, what is expected of artists in preparation for this year's steamroller festival, and how you can help support the entire collective process! 

We look forward to connecting with you! 

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Group or Organization (if applicable) 
List of other names in your group/org (if applicable)
Email *
Mailing address
Any additional information you'd like to share! (Don't worry, you'll have a chance to tell us more information in your application as well.) 
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