Data Science Summer Program Nomination Form

A Note to Educators:

Dear Esteemed Educators,

At DIYA Research, we are dedicated to nurturing the next wave of data-savvy problem solvers through our specialized Data Science/AI summer programs for high school students. Our mission is not just to educate but to inspire students to apply data-driven insights for social good, thereby transforming them into the innovators and leaders of tomorrow.

In our pursuit to democratize access to high-quality AI education, we are reaching out to the academic community to help identify and nurture students from communities underrepresented in STEM who possess the potential to excel in this field but lack the opportunities to do so.

We invite you to nominate one student from your school — someone who embodies a blend of curiosity, diligence, and an analytical mindset. This is a unique opportunity for students to gain invaluable skills in data science, preparing them for a future where data literacy is paramount.

Nomination Deadline: June 1, 2024

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Teacher Information
Teacher's Full Name *
Teacher's Email *
Subject Area *
School Name *
School Address *
Student Nominee Information
Student's Full Name *
Student's Email *
Student's Grade *
Does the student have Python Programming Experience?  *
If yes, please share the proficiency level of student *

Please share your reasons for nominating this student, highlighting their analytical abilities, work ethic, and potential for growth within the realm of data science. We are keen to understand how this scholarship would impact their educational journey and future aspirations.

Does the student require full financial assistance? *
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