Japanese Tea and Ritual Room Questionnaire

Questionnaire about your Rituals 

This is a questionnaire about ritual in daily life in NY. 日本語での記入もokです。

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What are your Rituals?
About this project

My name is Maho. I'm a multidisciplinary artist, and currently an Associated Artist at Culture Push. I am researching  a series of events connecting Japanese Tea Ceremony, Zen meditation, and personal ritual. Through this research I hope to design a performance that incorporates audience-participation.This project aims to help people find peace through the custom and philosophy of Tea Rituals. 

Japanese Tea customs bloomed in the 16th century among Samurai warriors, who developed the rituals to heal and calm their minds. In order to recreate the Japanese Tea custom in present-day NYC, where I live now, I'm interested in taking a survey of how contemporary New Yorkers calm their minds and heal themselves (mentally, spiritually, and physically) with their own rituals. 

I am reassessing the definition of "ritual" for this project, and the definition of ritual/ custom in this survey is stated below. It could be related to your religion or not, private or public, and as casual as "comb my hair slowly," if it means something to you consciously or subconsciously.   

This survey is just for my research and your personal information will not be shared with anyone. However please keep in mind that some of the actions submitted in this survey have the possibility of being anonymously presented (by written words or live actions) at my project at the Culture Push symposium in June 2023.

If you don't think you do your rituals/actions in your daily life, please write freely about your thoughts/ ideas about rituals in the questions below.

I look forward to learning your own rituals. 

Thank you.


[Definition of ritual in this project]
  • a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order

  • a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably repeated 

  • an action arising from convention or habit 

  • an act or series of acts done in a particular situation and in the same way each time 

  • an action done in accordance with social custom or normal protocol

  • a way of doing something that is specific to a particular place, time, or society

    *Please don't hesitate to write your own rituals you do only weekly/monthly/less than every day. I am open to learning your new definition of ritual, and this survey is open to any of your actions.

Heal and Calm
Do you have your own ritual(s) that you use to heal and calm your mind in your daily life?

What kind of ritual/action is that?

If you don't think of your ritual/action, please write freely about your thoughts/ ideas about rituals.
When do you perform this/these ritual(s)?
How does it affect your mind and body (and your relationships, jobs, etc.)? Why do you perform this action?
Motivate and Excite
Do you have your own ritual(s) that you use to motivate and excite your mind in your daily life? 

What kind of ritual/action is that?
When do you do it?
How does it affect your mind and body (and your relationships, jobs, etc.)? Why do you do this particular action?
For Somebody Else
Do you have your ritual(s) you do for somebody else? It could be done by and to yourself, or with somebody else, but motivation/ incentive/ result will be for the sake of others.

What kind of ritual/action is that?

If you don't think of your ritual/action, please write freely about your thoughts/ ideas about rituals.
When do you perform this/these ritual(s)?
How does it affect your mind and body? How does it affect others?
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