Moab Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit of the Year Award

Each year, the Moab Chamber of Commerce recognizes a local business as Business of the Year.
Nominees of this award should meet the following criteria:
-Model of excellent Organizational Leadership
-Offers valuable services in support to the Moab Community
-Exercises good organizational ethics
-Current member of the Moab Chamber of Commerce.

The Executive Committee* selects recipients and the award is presented each year at the Annual Banquet.
* Selection committee members and their families are not eligible for nomination.

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Email *
Business Nominated (Name & Date) *
Who is Nominating? (Name, Phone, Mailing Address) *
Please list and describe the nominee’s contributions to the Moab community: *
The selection committee will make their decision based on the information that is submitted on the nomination forms. Please submit to the Moab Chamber of Commerce.For more information, contact the Moab Chamber of Commerce at (435)259-7814 or
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