LGBTQI Life Processing Session
The Office of LGBTQI Life in partnership with the University Counseling Center (UCC) will be holding an in-person processing space on Monday, October 3rd 3:00-4:00pm for folx to be in community and connect. We want our VU LGBTQIA+ community to know we value their safety and will honor the different ways people will need to take space to process the current events. Please use this form to RSVP. 

Remember, you "cannot pour from an empty cup", so please be sure that you're practicing self-care, doing things that bring you joy, etc. 
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Please provide your Vanderbilt email: *
Are you planning to attend the processing session? *
What questions/comments/concerns do you have? (We can discuss/answer this anonymously during the processing session or can respond to you via email if you're not going to be at the processing session)
What does support look like for you?
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