iRAT Unit 1 (2018)
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1. How does your book define the         biopsychosocial approach?
1 point
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2. We often think we know more than we do. For example, after friends start dating, we often feel that we knew they were meant to be together. What is this an example of?
1 point
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3. Psychological scientists use the scientific method to draw conclusions. What is the first thing they do when using the scientific method?
1 point
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4. A descriptive technique in which one individual or group is studied in depth in the hope of revealing universal principles. This is a---
1 point
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5. "Low self-esteem could cause depression." This statement is an example of--
1 point
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6. In an experiment, the experimental group ___ to the treatment while the control group___ to the treatment.
1 point
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7. In an experiment, we will manipulate (or "vary") one factor to see what happens. What is this factor called?
1 point
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8. Experiments can have one or more independent variables that affect the test subject's behavior. What do we call this kind of affected behavior?
1 point
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9. I am conducting an experiment to test a new drug. I have found my sample group and randomly sorted them into two smaller groups, where one will get the drug and the other will get the placebo. Which research method am I using?
1 point
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10. I am taking surveys at a polling place on election day to try and determine how people voted. Which research method am I using?
1 point
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