2024 FARM Volunteer Application
Thanks for your interest in volunteering!  Please fill out the application below.  
Filling out this application does NOT mean you will have a volunteer spot.  You should expect to hear back from our volunteer coordinators within two weeks confirming we have your application.  Decisions will be made starting in July-ish, and assignments will be made in early October.
We offer a reduction in registration rate, if you want it, in return for your time.  Some people donate their time.  We love and appreciate you either way!
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Email *
Your Name *
Your Phone Number
Have you volunteered at FARM before? *
When was the last time you volunteered
How many hours do you want to volunteer for? (May not be consecutive) *
Anticipated arrival date & time (Best guess)
Anticipated departure date & time (Best guess)
How early in the day are you available to work? (If no preference, leave blank)
What is the latest time at night that you are available to work? (If no preference, leave blank)
What are the top 3 roles preferred *
 If known, please list any times during the conference you are NOT available to work.  If you are a musician and end up with a showcase slot or two, we will work around that.
i.e. I know I want to attend Performance Lane so I will not be available for volunteering at this time.
Any other information or comments you want to share?
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