CTHC Subcommittee Sign-Up
If you are interested in serving on a Subcommittee of the California Truth & Healing Council, please indicate your interest below by June 1, 2023. Subcommittees will meet a minimum of four (4) times a year, with an expectation of preparation and meaningful input in the interim between meetings. Reasonable accommodations for participation may be available upon request. While all Native peoples and allies are welcome to join Subcommittees, California Native voices and participation will be prioritized.

All Subcommittee participants shall adhere to the Council's Principles for Respectful Meetings, available here.
Name *
Email Address *
Tribe or Organization *
Region of Tribe or Organization 
County of Residence
Please select the Subcommittee(s) you are interested in joining. *
Please briefly describe your interest in and/or qualifications for participating in the selected Subcommittee(s). *
Will you need accommodation to participate in the Subcommittee process? If so, please describe what you will need to participate.
Please enter your age if applying to the Elders or Youth Council Subcommittees.
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