Volunteer Sign Up

Thank you for joining the Broadway for Harris team to elect Kamala Harris and down ballot Democrats this November. We've got a lot of exciting opportunities coming soon.

Please complete this form and share your information so we can make sure to send you relevant ways to get involved.

Note: Your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of the Broadway for Harris, Harris/Walz and Knock for Democracy teams. By providing your contact information you are agreeing to received text messages and other communication from Knock for Democracy, Broadway For Harris, and the Harris / Walz Campaign related to elections.

Have questions? Email info@broadway4harris.com.

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Last Name: *
Email:  *
Cell Phone Number: *
Zip Code *
Do you have a personal connection to any swing states (home town, college town, etc)?
Opt in to hear from us *
Which of the following would interest you? Select as many as apply: *
Ready to commit? A few specific opportunities you can sign up for now! Check below to sign up:
Want to lend your talents (performing, designing, marketing, management, etc) to the effort? Let us know and we'll reach out with more ways to get involved.
Is there anything else you’d like us to know? (ex: ways you’re organizing already or other ideas you have)
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