Application form  “Local community: from zero to hero”
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Name and Surname *
Gender *
Nationality *
Date of birth *
Email *
Phone number *
Current place of residence *
Sending organisation *
Occupation *
Please explain your motivation to attend this volunteering activity "Local community" *
Please, describe your volunteering experience. Did you ever organize any event or projects in your hometown, village, community? Do you have any experience with youth work? *
One of the objectives of this activity is to provide the tools to develop and implement a short-term volunteering event in your local community. What kind of event you can implement? Please, share with us your ideas. *
Please indicate an estimation of the total costs of your travel to the project, to Sarajevo and back  to your current address (Euro) *
Please describe any special needs or requirements (vegan, halal, allergies, disabilities, etc.) *
Do you need a visa? *
I give my consent to IYNF to keep my data on its storing services (Dropbox and Google Drive). I understand that this information is kept confidential and I am able to request IYNF to delete my data at any moment in the future *
As a result of this activity I will organize a short-term local event together with other volunteers until October 2019 *
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or recommendations *
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