Verde Tech Waitlist-24-25
If you would like to be placed on the Verde Tech Waiting List for the 24-25 school year, please fill out the form below. If interested in enrolling during the current school year, please call the school office at 928-634-2191.   Thank you.

You can learn more about Verde Tech on our school website @

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Student Name?  *
Student Date of Birth? *
Student Physcial Home Address? *
Grade Level? *
If any grade other than Freshman, how many credits does your student currently have? *
Does your student have a current, or prior IEP, 504, or being provided services through Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy? *
If yes to the previous question, please provide a brief description. *
Has your student had any prior behavior issues, including but not limited to, in-school/out-of-school suspensions, behavior interventions, or discipline at their prior schools? If yes, explain. *
Parent/Guardian Name? *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number?
Parent/Guardian email?
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