Orchestra Survey June 2024
Feedback on first year of Greenbelt Community orchestra
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Which section do you play in?
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Which concerts did you play in?
What is the best part of being in the orchestra for you?
How did you find out about the orchestra?
How is the level of music for you?
Too difficult
Too easy
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What do you think of the music choices?
Do you have suggestions of music that you would like the orchestra to play, or other groups that you would like to partner with?
What do you think of Seth's musical direction (conducting, rehearsal process)? How could it be improved for you?
What do you think of Derek's musical direction (conducting, rehearsal process)? How could it be improved for you?
How do you feel about the 75/25 Derek/Seth split that we moved to this spring?
Are you happy with the way the parts are distributed between the musicians in your section?
What do you think about the general organization and communication? How could it be improved?
What did you think of the concerts? What would have made them better?
Is there anything else that you would like to see done differently in the future?
Do you think the double-bill concert with the concert band was:
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Do you have ideas of other venues where the orchestra could perform?
Any other comments or suggestions?
This survey is anonymous. However, if you would like us to follow up with you on any of your answers, you may give your email address here, or contact Anne at greenbeltorchestra@gmail.com
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