Origami Society Nigeria Fellowship (Cohort 4) Application Form
Origami Society Nigeria is taking applications for the fourth edition of its annual fellowship. This is a multidisciplinary fellowship for students and professional. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the 12 week  fellowship would be an exciting and enlightening ride into the world of Origami with the aim of creating social impact. The fellowship would be mostly online with physical engagements in the community. 
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Email *
Name *
Gender *
Whatsapp Phone Number  *
Location  *
Professional Career/Occupation
Age (Last age in years) *
Had you heard about Origami Society Nigeria before now? *
If yes, how did you hear? *
Please tick all that apply 
Have you had any previous encounter with making origami?  *
If yes, please describe
Why do you want to become a fellow? Please explain in detail.
How do you intend to use the knowledge acquired as a fellow personally, in your field and community?
Would you be willing to commit two hours weekly for a duration of 4 months every Sunday for the virtual sessions with seasoned Origami experts? *
Are you willing to complete the weekly assignments due? *
Would you be willing to comply by the fellowship guidelines? *
Are you willing to commit a sum of #15,000 to this fellowship?
What are your expectations this fellowship?  *
Do you have any art experience? - If yes, please explain.
Have you attended any other arts or creative trainings or events? - If yes, please mention them.
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