Young Legal Aid Lawyers (YLAL) COVID-19 Survey
This is a survey of YLAL members to gather evidence of how COVID-19 is impacting upon their professional lives.

This survey can be completed entirely anonymously. If you choose to provide your email address, we will only use it to contact you if we need to follow-up on any points that you have raised in your survey response.  YLAL intends to use the evidence gathered through this survey to inform its campaigning work and to advocate for our members' interests at this difficult time.

If you would like to contact the YLAL committee to raise any additional concerns, please email

We are very grateful for your input.

Young Legal Aid Lawyers

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Please provide us with details of your professional background so that we can better understand the impacts of COVID-19 on different parts of our membership.
What is your job?
If you have completed a training contract or pupillage, how many years have you been practising?
What are your primary areas of law?
What part of the country do you work in?
Which of these best describes your workplace?
Remote working and risk of exposure to COVID-19
'Remote working' is used to describe working from home or other virtual working.
Are you working remotely?
Has your employer put the technology in place for you to effectively work remotely?
Are you still expected to meet your usual chargeable hours targets while working remotely?
Has your employer allowed for flexible working arrangements to accommodate disruption caused by COVID-19?
Please provide further details of these arrangements or if your employer has refused to make such arrangements, details of this.
Do you have childcare or other caring responsibilities that have been impacted by COVID-19?
If yes, please provide further details
Are you still required to attend court?
How many days a week are you attending court?
Apart from attending court, does your job require you to put yourself at risk of being infected with COVID-19? For example, face-to-face meetings with clients or other activities that require you to use public transport.  
If yes, please provide further details:
Financial impact of COVID-19
Are you subject to a No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) condition?
If you are employed, how has your employment status been affected by COVID-19?
How worried are you about your job security as a result of COVID-19?
Not worried
Extremely worried
Clear selection
If you are a self-employed barrister, please provide details of how many of your trials have been adjourned/ you expect to be adjourned
Please provide any further relevant information about the financial impact that COVID-19 is having upon you
Are you receiving more or less supervision or support as a result of COVID-19?
Has the volume of work that you are receiving been affected by COVID-19?
As a result of COVID-19, are you required to undertake work that is inappropriate for your level of experience?
If you are a pupil or trainee, please provide details of how your supervisor is ensuring that you satisfy your training requirements
Other issues
Please outline any other COVID-19-related issues which to make YLAL aware of
Contact details
Please provide your email address if you are happy for us to contact you with follow-up questions
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