Song Leader Workshop Skills Questionnaire
PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS WITHOUT ANY ASSISTANCE FROM ANYONE OR ANY SOURCE. Your completion of this form, to the best of your ability, will help us in determining which level of instruction that is most needful and beneficial to you. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Email *
Full Name *
Age *
Which Event are you registered for, and filling out this questionnaire for? *
Do you currently lead singing at your home congregation? *
How often do you lead singing at your home congregation? *
Which worship service do you most often lead? *
Have you had any music training? *
If you have had music training, what kind? *
How much training in music have you completed? *
Do you use a pitching device in getting the pitch for songs? *
What type of pitching device do you use? *
Are You Familiar with the "key signatures" for determining the correct pitch? *
Do you use your hand in directing songs? *
Are you familiar with the conductor beat patterns? *
Do you use the conductor beat patterns when leading songs in worship? *
By looking at the flats and sharps in the “key signature”, can you identify each of the eleven major keys? *
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