I'm interested in the next Agile MBA!
This form expresses your interest in the Agile MBA™. This form is not the official enrollment form. If we are currently enrolling, you will receive enrollment information in our email response. If we are not actively enrolling, you will be notified by email with enrollment instructions at a later date.  

If you do not see this communication within a week of class start date, please check your spam. Overly aggressive spam filters will sometimes filter our communication out. By completing this form you also agree to be added to our email mailing list as this is the way we communicate with participants about enrollments.

Note: By completing this form you are also agreeing to be added to our email distribution list. This is essential so you can be notified of enrollment. You will have the option to opt out at a later time.
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How did you hear about us? *
If you chose "Other" or "Word of Mouth" above, please provide more information
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