CHUTZ-POW! Classpacks

CHUTZ-POW! SUPERHEROES OF THE HOLOCAUST is an acclaimed and ongoing comic-book series created and published by The Holocaust Center of Pittsburgh (HCP) that seeks, as its mission, to place stories of courage, resilience, and sacrifice at the forefront of Holocaust awareness. Each volume is an anthology by award-winning creative collaborators, telling true-life stories of heroic Upstanders who brought light into some of the darkest recesses of World War II.

Created for both general and scholastic audiences ages 12 and up, CHUTZ-POW! unravels the larger narrative of the Holocaust with thematic volumes that explore the documented micro-histories of its profiled subjects. With vivid, historically-accurate art and stirring fact-based writing, these are stories that defy the expectations of conventional superhero comic books.

Through this new Classpack promotion, the HCP will significantly expand its network of partner educators who use CHUTZ-POW! in classrooms across the country. This opportunity will allow us to better tailor our offerings for the modern needs of teachers and students.

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