Core Strategies of the Zoo
Visit exhibits around the zoo and the website for the Henry Doorly Zoo to find examples of how the zoo is working to achieve their goals for each of the following core strategy areas.  For items that you find on the zoo website please include the link. For items you see examples of in the zoo itself please include a description of where and how.
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Core Strategy 1: A leader in science-based conservation initiatives that contribute to saving species globally.
Core Strategy 2: Strong positive brand identity with widespread community awareness about our conservation efforts.
Core Strategy 3: Engaged staff and organizational culture that is laser focused on mission.
Core Strategy 4: Financial sustainability that supports growth opportunities and conservation.
Core Strategy 5: Cultivate partnerships with diverse organizations to broaden our local and global impact and enhance our advocacy.
Core Strategy 6: Education efforts that will engage and inspire all ages to become life-long stewards of wildlife and the natural world.
Core Strategy 7: Animal exhibits that reflect the very best in design, education, conservation practices and welfare.
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