Formalwear Inquiry Form
Hello! Thank you for taking interest in Royal Design House. Please fill out the following information. We will reach out to set up a consultation. 

What we do: (1) New custom gowns, day suits, and costumes; (2) alterations to existing RDH creations ONLY.

Requests are accepted up to 2 years in advance and slots generally book up 8 months out from event date.  Please note in the event that our bookings are full, you will be notified if we are unable to take on your request.
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Correo *
Full Name *
Phone Number *
If this request is for someone other than or in addition to yourself, please provide their name.
Choose an event type. (If requesting multiple garments, select all that apply.) *
Briefly describe what you would like to have made. List the event date(s), if known. If your request includes multiple garments, please list the earliest event first. *
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a la dirección que has proporcionado.
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