Online Signup ** if you sign up after Jan 25, the cost is $33 extra **

We hope this form will guide you (and us) into getting to know each other better!

Reminder that you can contact me at 781-953-9699 or seven days a week! Steve Bergen

Checks for $400 should be sent to Steve Bergen, 300 E 85th #3303, New York NY 10028 marked payable to Summercore and should be sent within one week after receipt of a confirmation email.

If you are signing up on or after Sunday 1/25 then the fee is $433 and you need to email me ASAP so I can send you all the files you missed.  The first homework is not due until 1/31 but we need to move quickly to catch you up. Please email or call me ASAP -- Steve
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Name *
What is your email address? *
Please be careful and precise -- one mistake and I can't reach you!
What is your phone number? *
Cell preferred but I need some way to reach you if email fails.
What school do you work at or if not at a school, just type "none." *
I am looking forward to hearing from you and teaching you! Please fill out this short survey and make sure you click SUBMIT at the bottom. The fee is $400. No credit cards. Sorry! Steve
Which Course? *
The 6 lessons are sent on the 6 Mondays highlighted below with a break week in February.
Check each item below so that we make sure we are "in sync" like the music group ;-) *
What are some things you like about computers? *
(skip this if you have taken a previous online course or attended iCore or Summercore)
What are some things that you dislike or hate about computers?
(skip this if you have taken a previous online course or attended iCore or Summercore)
What subject(s) or grade level(s) do you teach? *
Provide a short "computer auto-biography" paragraph with info about when you started using a computer and what have you accomplished so far. Feel free to include your frustrations as well. *
(skip this if you have taken a previous online course or attended iCore or Summercore)
Provide a short "goals" paragraph about what you would like to accomplish in this course. *
(skip this if you have taken a previous online course or attended iCore or Summercore)
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