cEDH Metagame Project v2
Now that Flash is gone, we're in a whole new world for cEDH play. Just what does this meta look like? We can help each other find out!

This is an attempt to gather some data to find out what decks are out in the wild, and how fast games are going. There's a lot being deliberately left out; we're just looking for the basics here.

Have a player fill out the following form after each pod you play to help add data to get a glimpse of what the larger cEDH metagame looks like. For the players, please put them in turn order (Player 1 went first, Player 2 went next, etc).
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What was Player 1 playing? *
If you chose "Other" above, what was Player 1 playing?
What was Player 2 playing? *
If you chose "Other" above, what was Player 2 playing?
What was Player 3 playing? *
If you chose "Other" above, what was Player 3 playing?
What was Player 4 playing? *
If you chose "Other" above, what was Player 4 playing?
Which player won the game? *
Which player submitted the game? *
When did the game end? *
How was your game played?
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If you are willing to be contacted with questions/follow-up, please leave contact information here (reddit username, discord username, etc)
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