Who Must Complete this form?Any member of the club or organisation who is seeking to volunteer in a role where they will have contact with children (persons under 18 years of age) or adults at Risk.
Do I have to complete the form?
Yes, as it is in line with Safer Recruitment Processes, as set out in the RFU's Safeguarding Children Policy, Guidance and Procedures and the Safeguarding Toolkit. Non completion will be taken into account when making any risk based decision regarding suitability to be deployed in a role with children or Adults at Risk.
What will happen to the form once completed?
The form will be kept and stored securely in accordance with ethe General Data Protection Regulations (EU 2016) and Data Protection Act 2018.
The RFU may from time to time access this form, including where any concerns are reported to the RFU Safeguarding Department for investigation. Where necessary, statutory agencies may be contacted and the outcome recorded. For information on how the RFU processes personal data, including in relation to its volunteers, please see the RFUs Regulatory and Governance Privacy Notice.
Who do I return my form to?
Once completed and submitted, the form goes through to the Club Safeguarding Officer. The form is only accessed by the Safeguarding Officer and Safeguarding Advisor for the club and is not accessible to anyone else within ERFC.
If you are considered unsuitable to work with children or Adults at Risk, appropriate action will be taken by the Safeguarding Team and RFU will be notified as required.
If you have any concerns about the completion of this form, then please contact the Club Safeguarding Officer at safeguarding@erfcjuniors.co.uk