[INV] Report Form
This report form is to be treated with utmost significance & authenticity.

Anyone found providing false information shall be dealt with accordingly.

Please fill out all the necessary information for INV members to be alerted.

You are to be contacted when your form is being reviewed & taken to INV's concern.

Thank you for your participation!
Email *
Username *
Username of Offender *
Reason for Reporting *
Summary of Incident *
Support your report by providing sufficient evidences to be able to help us investigate the case effectively.
Screenshots *
Usernames of Witness/es *
Please provide at least one or more witness/es, inputting as "None, N/A" in this field - your report will be invalid.
Do you swear that the information you have provided herein only speaks of the truth? *
You would do your best to cooperate with INV if needed & your involvement will be confidential? *
You will be contacted once INV members has reviewed your report.
Thank you for your report!
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