Pitch+Learn event series: Pitch application
Apply here to be considered to pitch at one of our upcoming online pitch events. Don't be shy! We'll always get in touch ahead of an event, before putting you on the roster, to confirm if you're available and still interested.

Do note that our interests, as well as those of our growing audience of investors, is limited to software-focused ventures, i.e. no hardware, no biotech. Geography is not important, however keep in mind that our events are typically scheduled to start at 4pm PT (Vancouver time) for about two hours.

N.B. All form entries are required, including the link to a pitch deck. If you're very early-stage, we understand that your pitch will likely evolve, but it's an important exercise and the minimum requirement to prepare to pitch to a live audience!
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Startup name *
One line startup description *
Stage of the venture *
Industry sector of primary use case *
Investment to date *
Startup business model *
Your email address *
Your LinkedIn profile URL *
Link to startup pitch deck *
Company website URL *
Your role at the company *
Where in the world are you based? (city, country) *
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