15 years Milestone - Reader Survey
I recently completed 15 years of my blogging journey! A big 'Thank you' to all of you, who have followed my blogging journey over the years! 

At this milestone point I am doing a Reader survey. It would be great if you can fill it out!. A sincere thanks to all the respondents of my first survey which I did back in 2015. I received a lot of constructive feedback then, based on which I made many changes to my writing as well as to my blog's look. Hoping to receive more such feedback this time! 

If I have shared this with you that means I value your feedback!

There are only 11 questions!

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1. Please enter your name here: *
2. From which country are you doing this survey? *
3. How often do you read my posts?
4. Which type of content do you generally follow? *
5. How long have you been reading my blog or since when were you aware of my blog? *
6. Answer this if you are a long-time reader of my blogs. Does the new website look better than the previous blogpost one?
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7. How do you know me or my blog? *
10. Can you please share one positive point and one area of improvement in my blog. *
11. Do you have any other suggestions for me or any remarks in general?
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