MTL New Tech Demo Night Presenter Application
Thanks for your interest in Montreal NewTech! We pride ourselves for our vibrant, driven and dedicated community, and are excited that you'd like to be apart of it :)

Once you finish filling out the form below, your application request will be taken into consideration and queued for our next Demo Night. Please note that although we love seeing enthusiasm for our Demo Nights, we can't guarantee that every startup will be chosen to present as our evenings are occasionally themed and usually have high levels of interest.

That being said, we wish you the best of luck, and hope to see you on stage at our next Demo Night!
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Product/Company Name *
Product/Company Website *
Company Twitter Handle *
Link to the logo of your company *
Link to a slide deck you may have (not required)
What industry is your company part of? (Food, Fitness, Finance, Health...) *
Your full name *
Your phone number *
What is your role in the company? *
Your Email Address *
What is the postal code of your company headquarters? *
Is your company based in Montreal? *
How many employees do you have? *
What's the name & position of the person presenting? *
Link to a photo of the presenter (not required)
Does your company have a woman in the founding team? *
Does your company have a person with a race/ethnic background typically underrepresented in tech on your founding team? *
Does your company have a person that identify as LGBTQ on your founding team? *
Describe what your company does in one sentence. *
Are you currently raising funds or will you be looking to raise funds within the next 6 months? *
What Funding stage is your company at? (Bootstrapping, Seed, Series A, etc.) *
Do you have an upcoming launch date? *
If Yes, what is your launch date? *
How were you referred to MTLNewTech? *
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