GHFH Community Involvement Form
Every parent is a member of our GHFH PSO! We are interested in finding folks who want to be help the GHFH community in a way that matches their unique skillsets. By completing this form, you are not committing to a team, but rather are expressing your interest levels in all our volunteer offerings.

*By providing your contact information, you are agreeing to receive communications from the PSO
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Name as it appears on Drivers License (to match the Raptor background check) *
Ex. Elizabeth Smith
Name you go by if different than legal name
Ex. Bess Smith
Relationship to scholar(s) *
Scholar name(s) and grade level(s) for the 2024-2025 school year *
Ex. William Smith - 2nd
Phone Number *
Ex. 123-456-7890
Email *
Street Address
Zip Code
Have you volunteered at a school before? *
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