Practice Stewardship To Live Missionally
Discussion/Reflection Questions
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What stood out to you from today’s message?

In the opening chapters of 1 Corinthians Paul suggests four methods for maintaining unity.  1. Focus on the Cross of Christ.  2. Accept that True Wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit.  3. Recognize the Fundamental Equality of all Believers.  4. Practice Stewardship to Live Missionally. As you reflect on the four methods for maintaining unity in the Church, which is the greatest challenge for our Church, the Christian church in our community or the church in general?
Read 1 Corinthians 4
According to Paul, what is the true nature of Apostleship?

How might servant leadership be misconstrued by the church in ways that hinder the mission of God in our world?

How would you describe the relationship you have with the Pastors, Elders, ministry staff and Deacons of First Covenant Church?  Do you seek them out in order to participate more fully in the missional purposes of the Church?  If not, what obstacles are in your way?

If you have served as a leader in the Church or are currently serving, how did/do your experiences align with what Chris talked about? Is leadership in the Church something you look forward to or something you hope to avoid? Why?

As you reflect on today’s questions, how is the Holy Spirit leading you to pray?

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