LIT - 2024 Interest Form

LIT ultimate is back for a fourth year after a great 2023 season . We value good competition, a tight-knit community and having fun both on and off the field.

If you’re interested in joining the LIT fam please fill out the interest form so we can keep you posted about tryouts! Can’t wait to see y’all out on the field.

Tryout Dates:
Mixer: April 6 - Fremont Central Park, Fremont
Open/Combined (with Donuts)- April 14, 1-5pm @ Franklin Square, SF
Closed/Invite: May 5, 9:30am-1:30pm @ Greene Middle School, Palo Alto
Closed/Invite: May 19, 9:30am-1:30pm @ Greene Middle School, Palo Alto

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Hi, hello! What’s your name? *
Where are you located? *
Preferred Pronouns *
Which do you feel like you align with most? *
Are you a handler or cutter? *
Past Teams/Experience  *
Will you be able to attend Mixer - April 6 in Fremont? *
Will you be able to attend Open/Combined Tryout - April 14 (location TBA) *
Will you be able to attend Closed/Invite Tryout - May 5 in Palo Alto *
Will you be able to attend Closed/Invite Tryout - May 19 in Palo Alto *
What are you looking for in a team for the 2024 season?
Anything else you'd like to share? (I.e dates you’d likely miss during the summer, arriving in the Bay at a later date, etc)
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