Adoption Application PPR
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Email *
Adoption Applicant Full Name *
Do you have a specific dog you are applying for? *
If YES, specify dog's name, or type NO.
If that dog is no longer available do you want to continue with the approval process? *
Have you previously adopted a dog through our rescue? *
If yes, what is the dog's name and year of adoption?
Are you working with any other rescue organizations?
Clear selection
Your Date of Birth *
Street *
Town *
State *
Zip Code *
How long have you been at this address? *
Are you planning to move soon? If yes, where are you moving? *
Cell Phone *
Land line
Do you own or rent? *
Renters MUST provide landlord's Name, Phone, and eMail.
Personal Reference #1 Name *
 Cannot be a relative or household member.
Personal Reference #1 Phone *
Personal Reference #1 eMail *
Personal Reference #2 Name *
Cannot be a relative or household member.
Personal Reference #2 Phone *
Personal Reference #2 eMail *
List all human members of your family (including yourself) *
Please include names and ages
Does anyone in the household have allergies to pets?
Clear selection
List all animals in your household *
Include Species (dog, cat, hamster, etc), Gender, Age
Are all of your pets fixed (sterilized)? *
If no, explain.
Are all pets current on their shots? *
Are all dogs current on their heartworm preventative? *
Are all dogs current on their flea/tick preventative? *
Do you have livestock or chickens? *
Do you have a fenced in yard? *
If yes, describe type and height
How many hours per day will your dog be alone on a daily basis?
If you currently have NO pet, have you ever owned one prior? If yes, did you surrender or euthanize? Please explain. *
Veterinary Reference: *
MUST include name of veterinary clinic and address
Vet's Phone Number *
May we contact your vet? *
If yes, I will authorize my vet to share my pet(s) medical records with PPR.
I would like to donate $15 to Passion for Pets Rescue. *
Additional Comments
I understand and agree that Passion For Pets Rescue (PPR) has made every effort to provide an accurate history and assessment of the rescue dog(s) I have accepted for adoption.  I acknowledge that PPR is not able to guarantee any dog’s behavior, disposition or temperament, its age, breed, medical status or history. By accepting a rescue dog(s) for adoption, I agree and affirm that I assume complete responsibility for the dog’s care and conduct, including but not limited to its healthcare, its behavior, and appropriate training.     *

By accepting a rescue dog(s) for adoption, I further agree and affirm that I am releasing  any and all current or future claims against PPR,  its volunteers, Board of Directors, members, and agents (Releasees) from any and all liability relating to the rescue dog(s) adopted by me, including but not limited to any injury or damage caused by any dog(s) adopted by me to any person or property or relating to the health or temperament of the dog(s), including any injuries or expenses related hereto.

I understand and agree that my rescue dog(s) comes into contact with many animals and environments before being adopted. They may be exposed to any number of common illnesses or parasites due to overcrowding, stress, environmental changes and transport. I acknowledge that PPR has begun proper care for these dogs/puppies, however, PPR does not guarantee the health, temperament, or behavior of my rescue dog since illness or changes in disposition can and may lay dormant with NO visible or detectable signs for up to several weeks after placement for adoption.  I acknowledge that I am responsible for my rescue dog’s behavior and its medical care from the time of adoption forward. *
I understand and agree that I am responsible for all costs associated with pet ownership, which includes preventative medication, veterinary care, obedience training and behavior modification through positive reinforcement, and evaluation. I agree that if at any time I am no longer able to care for this dog, I will call Passion for Pets Rescue (PPR) at 207-798-1262 or email and undergo a14-day waiting period in which 1) a representative may work with me to resolve any issues with the dog, and/or 2) will allow PPR time to find an appropriate foster home. The 14-day waiting period may be waived with approval from the Board of Passion for Pets Rescue. PPR will not refund the adoption fee, if the dog is returned after two weeks. If more than 60 days have passed since the adoption date PPR is not obligated to take back dogs with a bite history or aggressive behavior. *

I agree to the PPR Adoption Terms and Conditions. I have read, in full, and understand the PPR Adoption Guidelines set forth by Passion For Pets Rescue. By entering my name in the signature box below, I attest that the information provided herein is accurate. I am granting permission for vet checks on current and past pets, as well as personal reference checks. I understand that scheduling of a home visit is part of the adoption application process. I understand that if falsified information is discovered, my application will be denied.

How did you come to apply to Passion for Pets Rescue? *
Please check only one box.
Signature *
Date *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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