The Gender Checklist
This checklist makes it easy to assess the gender dimensions of your policy or project, providing a simple score as a starting point for benchmarking progress on gender analysis. 

The questions reflect various stages of a transport policy to improve policy makers' and project managers' understanding of: 
  • Who will be affected by policies and projects, and how?
  • What are the different transport needs, preferences or constraints by gender? 
  • Who is involved in the decision-making process? 
If potential impacts on gender equality are applicable to your project or policy, a maximum score of 10 points is possible. If no impacts on gender are applicable, your maximum possible score is 3 points, which indicates that gender equality is considered to the extent possible.
  • A score below 3 points indicates that there is opportunity to take further action in integrating a gender lens in your work, where it is relevant.
  • A score between 4 and 7 points indicates that your project considers gender equality, but has some room for improvement.
  • A score higher than 8 points indicates that your project or policy mainstreams gender in its design and implementation.
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Which of these transportation topics is your policy or project related to? *
You can select more than one option. 
0 points
Is the wider team working on the project or policy gender-balanced? 

E.g. project staff, external project consultants, project partners
1 point
Is there a dedicated gender expert as part of the project team, or does the existing project team have adequate gender knowledge? *
1 point
Have potential impacts on gender equality been identified in the development of the policy or project?  *
e.g. the project is explicitly about gender equality in transportation, or collects/analyses gender-related data

1 point
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