RISE of The Empowered Healer Application

Thanks for your interest in RISE of The Empowered Healer, an 8-week transformative journey! 

Please know that this program will be conducted virtually via Zoom, so that we can connect with our global community. 

This 8-week journey (October 1st-November 24th, 2024) is designed to empower healers, space holders, and guides to unleash their voice and expression, awaken into confidence, and clarify their vision. You'll learn to shatter self-doubt, overcome imposter syndrome, and release limiting beliefs, while mastering your energetics. This will allow you to confidently support yourself and others, creating an energetic match for the people you are meant to serve—your most empowered clients.

This journey will include: 

- An opening and closing ceremony 

-  4, 1:1 coaching sessions (Inner Child Embodiment, somatic regulation strategies, business energetics, strategy, clarifying mission)

- 4, Group Energetics- Spinal Energetics, Sound, Light language, Reiki, & more (with me)

- 2, Group Breathwork Sessions (with A SPECIAL GUEST)

- Text/voice support as needed over the 8-week period

- Access to the “Empowered Healers Club” Telegram group

- Weekly Intentions/Focus 

- Community Support 

& so much more! 

VALUED AT OVER $2,000...

YOUR TOTAL- ONLY 1,400! ($600+  in savings)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name (first + last) *
Date of Birth *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
How do you currently (or wish to) support others on their journey?  *
What is your intention behind joining RISE of the Empowered Healer?  *
What are you hoping to gain from this 8-week journey?  *
Have you ever experienced energy work before? If yes, please list the modalities and their effectiveness for you.  *
Emergency Contact (name and phone number)  *
Are you ready to invest $1,400 USD in your personal and professional growth?
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