FBF Mastery Program - Prospective Client Application
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Email *
Phone Number *
Name *
Email *
Social Media Handle *
Name of Advocate *
In what area of life or business are you most needing a strategic plan and clear process of growth
Do you have a business you are trying to grow and if so, what is the business and what are your next set of goals?
What is your current business revenue? (How much money comes into the business each month?) *
Do you have a job or another stream of income in your home to support your new business activity? Please explain. *
Describe your team and how you want to grow your team over the next 12 months. *
What are some major roadblocks or victories you have already worked through to get to this point? *
What strategies have you been using to grow personally and professionally thus far, and how have they helped you? *
How committed are you to accomplishing your goals? *
Meh, it'll happen when it happens.
Oh, it's on! I want this and I'm doing this now
What do you feel you need in order to take your business or life to the next level? *
What do you value most in a coaching relationship? *
F-WORD AUDIT:  Rate yourself in the area of FAITH *
I'm very confused in my faith
I have a tight relationship with God and I walk in peace daily
F-WORD AUDIT:  Rate yourself in the area of FAMILY
My family Relationship are completely broken
My family operates in unity and love for one another
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F-WORD AUDIT:  Rate yourself in the area of FITNESS
My fitness needs a total overhaul
I am an example of fitness - spirit, soul AND BODY.
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F-WORD AUDIT:  Rate yourself in the area of FINANCE
I am drowning in debt and stress
I am debt free, generous, and my money is growing.
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Is there anything else you'd like to share?
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