Expression of interest for AGI Working Groups
You can only express your interest for an AGI Working Group if you are an AGI member. If not, please apply for membership first:
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Are you an AGI member or work for an AGI partner organization?
Name of the AGI partner organization
First name
Family name *
Email *
Affiliation(s) *
Interested to join WG1 Clinical outcomes & registries (not possible until further notice)
Interested to join WG2 Molecular biomarkers & biosampling
Interested to join WG3 MRI biomarkers
Interested to join WG4 Digital-motor biomarkers and its working package:
Interested to join WG5 Model systems and preclinical trials
Interested to join WG6 Next-generation genomics & platforms
Interested to join WG7 Policy and patient organization involvement
Interested to join WG8  Patient-reported experience & outcome measures
50-200 words: What is your professional experience with the WG's (also WG4 working package's) topic(s)?
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