Interview info sheet
Please fill this out! A manager will be reaching out to qualified applicants within the next 24-48 hours!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone number *
Email address *
Do you enjoy working with/meeting people? *
Can you adapt to our low-key, relaxed approach to marketing and advertising? *
Do you consider yourself a positive person? *
If given proper training and knowledge, would you feel comfortable representing Cutco? *
Would you like to become a part of our team? *
What High School did you go to? *
College? Grad year? Major?
What City do you live now?  *
(We'll match you to the closest office)
What two things impressed you about the position and why? *
How would working with us benefit you personally and professionally in the future? *
We're building our 2024 team! (Other than you) Do you know anyone that would be a good fit here?
(Name, number)
(Name, number)
(Name, number)
(Name, number)
(Name, number)
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