1.1 First Day Survey (Getting to Know You)
Welcome to Mr. Jamal's Science Class for 2024-2025. I am excited for us to discover our incredible world through scientific literacy and critical thinking. The goal of this important survey is to get to know you better, so I can better support you to reach your goals! Please be as descriptive as possible when filling out this survey.
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Song: Getting to Know You!
Student ID# *
Your OSIS number OR student ID can be found in your program. Make sure this is accurate.
Which section do you have Mr. Jamal? *
Your Last Name *
Your First Name *
What are your pronouns?
Current Grade: *
Cohort (based on when you are supposed to graduate)
What is something you are an EXPERT in? (i.e, you could teach others or this is considered your biggest strength)
Describe one of your guardians: (Mother? Father? An adult who takes care of you) *
Guardian's Email Address: *
If your guardian does not have an email address, then type an email address of any adult who can support you.
Your Guardian's Phone# *
Give an example of how you might be using science in your daily life *
List THREE things that ALWAYS brings you JOY whenever you need a little pick me up or motivation: *
Describe your dream of where you see yourself in five years *
Tell me one interesting facts, hobbies, or anything you want me to know about you as your science teacher. *
Describe your favorite science teacher. Why was he/she your favorite so far? *
Character and Values Matter. Your values are your most important priorities. Describe one of your most important VALUES and why they are so important to you. *
What song would you like to add to our class playlist? (Link it or include the artist's name and song name)
Congratulations, you have made it to the end of my first survey with the goals of getting to know you better!
Don't forget to continue to visit http://science.pjamal.com and stay engaged in your understandings of the never-ending discoveries of science! I look forward to helping you improve.
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