The 2025 Youth Pastor Compensation Survey
Welcome to the 8th annual installment of this survey and thanks for taking the time to participate. Ever year we hear how helpful it is to pastors everywhere...both Youth Pastors, and those who manage them! One way you can help is by sharing this survey to your network and on your social channels: organic growth is the fastest way to get more entries. The survey will close on November 30, 2024.

This survey is designed for United States residents only, but you're welcome to participate if you're somewhere else. A detailed analysis of the survey findings will be published in January 2025 and we'll send you a download link to it at the email address you provide. Oh, and the report is totally FREE, as always.

The survey is brought to you by Chemistry Staffing, produced and published by Dan Navarra, with general editing provided by Mark Oestreicher of The Youth Cartel.
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