Application for Inspirational Session with MuseLaura
Welcome! I am excited to explore coaching together. Right now (3/2024) I am opening up my practice for 3 new clients. If you want to be considered, complete the form below. I will contact you if you are chosen.
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Name: *
Email: *
Phone: *
What part of your life is less than satisfying? Tell me what about it is frustrating for you.   *
What, if anything, have you tried in the past to change this area? *
What do you think keeps you from doing what you want in that area of your life? *
What do you really, really, really  want for your life? Describe for me what would feel really good.
Are you prepared to invest time and money into making the changes you want in your life? *
How committed would you rate yourself in a scale of 1 to 10? *
1 = Not committed at all and 10 = I will start today!
Is there anything you want me to know?
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