Startup Pitch Workshop Registration | The Startup Club
Please fill out this form to register for the pitch workshop. If you're a startup that has developed an MVP or a design that you wish to pitch, please fill out the form and you will be contacted further for guided sessions to improve your product pitch to investors. You will receive the guidance of Amiya Srivatsava, a fellow founder and investor. 

More information on pitching -

For more information, visit the official website of The Startup Club
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Name of the startup *
Founder Name *
Founder Contact Number *
Founder Linkedin URL or Personal Bio Link *
Year of founding *
Headquarters location *
Founder Email Address
Is your product launched yet? *
Product info page or website URL
What is the Problem you are looking to Solve for and How did you validate the problem? *
Who are your top 3 competitors? What are they doing good and what are they missing? *
What is the GTM strategy you are putting in place? *
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