Apply To Become A Client of Gen Y Planning
If you're ready for financial planning help, fill out this form to find out if ongoing financial planning is right for you.

The questions below are personal but they allow us to get a great snapshot of where you are financially, and come to our call prepared to give you great insight and advice. Don't feel shy about your current financial situation, that's why you're reaching out for help!

The strategy session includes:
➤ 30 minutes of one-on-one time with a Certified Financial Planner™
➤ A quick assessment of your current financial situation
➤ An action step that you can take right away (whether or not you decide to become a client)

We look forward to chatting with you!

The Gen Y Planning Team
*IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident we cannot work together due to compliance regulations. We can, however, work with U.S. citizens or residents who live abroad!
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First & Last Name
Phone Number
Spouse/Partner’s First & Last Name (if applicable)
Spouse/Partner’s Email
Spouse/Partner’s Phone Number
How did you find out about Gen Y Planning?
What state do you live in?
How old are you?
How old is your spouse/partner?
What is your annual income?
What is your spouse/partner’s annual income?
How much do you have in cash (checking/savings)?
How much debt do you have? (Please break down the type(s) of debt you have, their amounts, and interest rates -- student loans, auto loans, credit card debt, etc.)
How much total retirement savings do you have? (Please include 401(k)s, IRAs, Roth IRAs, etc.)
If you have any other investments, list them here.
What motivated you to reach out to Gen Y Planning?
Does anyone else need to be on this call for you to make a decision about moving forward?
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If you answered yes to the question above, who?
When are you looking to take action on hiring a financial planner?
Can we add you to the Gen Y Planning Newsletter list?
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