WestFest Participant Application 2025
Welcome to the 2025 Applicants form for WestFest. Please answer all of the questions listed, using the description for each as a guide on how your response should be submitted. If you have any questions about the form, give us an email before you submit at westfestglasgow@gmail.com 
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Email *
Name *
Organisation/Company *
Let us know your event company or organisation
Email *
Please provide an email address which we can contact you on 
Telephone/Mobile Number *
Please provide a telephone landline or mobile number we can contact you on should we need
Event Title
Description of Event (Max 60 words)
Let us know what your event is about! NB: We reserve the right to edit the text for length or unsuitable content. If you enter nothing, we will print your listing with no description. 
Date(s) and time(s)
Please provide any information you have on the dates your event will run as well as time slots. 

For example:

Friday 14th June 2-4pm
Saturday 15th June 3-5pm
Venue Name
Address (with postcode)
Telephone Number
Please give the full title of the venue or location where your event will take place, as well as the address including postcode and a telephone number for the venue if applicable.
Ticket Price(s)
Please include your standard ticket price, but also any presale/student discount prices and children's discount.

For example: 

Tickets £5
Concession/Student: £4
Children: £1.50

If this is a free event, simply write 'FREE'.
What category does your event come under?
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Website Link/Advance Ticket Sales
If you have a website link for your event or an advanced ticket sale link, please include.
Social Media Accounts
Please only include one main link to use for socials, this can be a facebook, twitter or instagram handle. 
Will you be making your own Facebook event? If so, please add WestFest as a co-host.
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Additional comments?
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