What is the name of the event you are requesting donations for? *
Your answer
Date of your event: *
Time of your event: *
Location of your event: *
Your answer
What donations are you requesting? Please be descriptive and include quantities, colors, and/or sizes etc. *
Your answer
How will these donations be used? *
Your answer
How many people will benefit from these donation? *
Your answer
What age range will these donations benefit? Check all that apply. *
We love to serve! Do you need volunteers for your event? *
If yes, how many additional volunteers do you need for your event? *
Your answer
How will Adopt-A-Block Inc. or A Can-Can Make A Difference be mentioned or represented as a sponsor at your event? Enter "N/A" if we will not be mentioned or represented at your event. *
Your answer
How did you hear about our program? *
Your answer
Anything else we should know or you would like to share?
Your answer
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