Inscription Internationale Summer Academy Alden Biesen
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Email *
Name - Surname *
Phone nummer *
Birthdate *
I'm a student: *
Discipline *
Give an overview of your musical education. *
Choir: please specify which voice part you would like to sing (soprano/alto/tenor/bass). Also, indicate if you would like to have two individual half-hour sessions of voice coaching, two individual half-hour sessions of solo singing (repertoire), one of each, or none of them.

Strings: mention which baroque instrument(s) you want to study and which repertoire.

Organ: please specify the repertoire you are preparing for the masterclasses and for the individual lessons (if you wish). This means also: indicate which individual lesson(s) - basso continuo, clavichord, repertoire, improvisation - you would like to follow. You can choose to focus on one of the proposed subjects or combine them.

Solo singing: please specify which voice part you would like to sing (soprano/alto/tenor/bass) and which repertoire you prepared.
I am a student under the age of 26 and I would like to stay with a host family. *
Accommodation (breakfast included) Land Commanderij Alden Biesen (90€/night)
Meals Land Commanderij Alden Biesen - Lunch 15€ and Diner 17,5€.
For organists: as we are not often in Alden Biesen at lunch/diner time (cfr. planning), the meals are mostly taken in the city we are and should in that case not be booked via this form.
For the Young Schola: the meals are included so they DON'T need to be booked via this form.
In case of allergies, intolerances, special diets requirement, please mention it below.
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